5 Podcasts on Cognitive Psychology

podcasts about cognitive psychology

Great Podcasts on Cognitive Psychology

  • Happier with Gretchen Rubin
  • Axons and Axioms
  • Brain Science with Ginger Campbell
  • Hidden Brain
  • Making Sense

The basis of cognitive psychology is understanding human behavior from communication to decision making. There are some great podcasts that discuss topics that answer some of our deepest questions about cognitive psychology.

1. Happier with Gretchen Rubin

This podcast dives into the idea of living a fulfilling life. From the perspective of self-help, Gretchen Rubin co-hosts her show with her sister, Elizabeth Craft, to conduct a real-time, real-life progress report on her test-subject sibling. Listeners can get advice on improving their cognitive voice in order to develop their confidence and become happier with their lives. Rubin is a successful author of her best-selling book, The Happiness Project. This podcast is a great study for cognitive psychology students to understand how much the perception of ourselves creates the overall impression of society.

2. Axons and Axioms

What happens when a philosophy and a psychology professor meet for drinks? They start a podcast on cognitive psychology that questions why we do the things we do. More specifically, the two professors go deep into the hard-hitting philosophies of our human behaviors like free will, the role of artificial intelligence, and how society influences the brain. This is a quirky podcast that is fairly witty with a nice mix of real science and professionalism. Students of cognitive psychology can benefit from the laid back informality while still gaining insight into the way our minds function.

3. Brain Science with Ginger Campbell

A cognitive psychology podcast that takes a more scientific approach is Brain Science, which focuses on the neurology of the mind. Looking at the physical functions of the brain and how it affects the psychological aspects of the mind is an interesting perspective for cognitive psychology students to ponder. Find out what triggers our emotional responses, our creative aspirations, and our sense of well-being. Campbell hosts a range of other scientists on her show to complete her analysis of the mind.

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4. Hidden Brain

The brain is a mysterious receptacle of information, prejudices, and habits. Sometimes we might not even know what our own mind is hiding. In this cognitive psychology podcast, Shankar Vedantam takes a closer look at the patterns that drive our impulses and decision-making process. Taking a scientific approach to first understanding the physical mind, the host then takes his listeners through the process of self-realization. It also answers plaguing questions involving deceptions of the mind, and how to notice when the mind is being tricked.

5. Making Sense

As a philosopher and neuroscientist, Sam Harris uses his cognitive psychology podcast as a way to explore cultural topics in politics, the economy, and social relationships. His goal is to help his listeners understand difficult topics in human behavior by discussing these issues with experts on his show. He also focuses on meditation as another way to access the brain in order to understand and control the mind. His podcast does well at combining current events with his scientific background to give a unique perspective of the quest for answers.


Podcasts on cognitive psychology reveal interesting ways to further understand how the brain affects our ability to function in society. It also aids in self-improvement by learning the physical dimensions of the brain and connecting them to social inquiries that clarify human behaviors.

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