Great Clinical Psychology Podcasts
- The Psych Files
- Psychology in 10 Minutes
- All in the Mind
- Two Guys on Your Head
- Serial
Whether you are a psychology student or practitioner, listening to podcasts on clinical psychology is a good way to keep up-to-date on research and news in the field. Many podcasts also introduce you to new books and practitioners. Listen to one or more of these top podcasts for clinical psychology students and professionals.
The Psych Files
The Psych Files is a podcast for anyone who is a student, practitioner or professor of clinical psychology. Some of the topics discussed include ethics, gender and sexuality and motivation. The Psych Files also explores the development of the brain and personality. Hosted by Michael A. Britt, Ph.D., this podcast also includes interviews of practicing clinical psychologists who have interesting stories to tell and who want to inspire others in the field.
Psychology in 10 Minutes
Psychology in 10 Minutes is a podcast by David Feldman. In each 10 minute episode, you learn about a case study or an area of interest related to clinical psychology. One episode might be about a case from history, and the next might be about a specific personality trait and how it develops. Psychology in 10 Minutes also includes interviews and chats with clinical psychologists and their backgrounds or how they got their start. When you only have 10 minutes to spare, try this entertaining podcast.
All in the Mind
All in the Mind is a podcast that explores the activities of the human mind. There are a few versions of it, including one that is from the UK, one from Australia and one from the United States. Each version is a little different from the other, but all of them cover general clinical psychology topics such as hoarding, sibling rivalry and personality changes. Some of the podcasts are interviews with clinical psychologists, neurosurgeons and other experts. Those interviews on All in the Mind include topics such as the life of a brain surgeon and sleep paralysis.
Featured Programs
Two Guys on Your Head
Two Guys on Your Head takes a look at all sorts of human behavior. It is produced and hosted by Rebecca McInroy. She introduces each topic and gives a bit of background about it. The general discussion takes place between clinical psychologists Art Markman and Bob Duke, who both hold doctorate degrees in the subject. Two Guys on Your Head has episodes on topics as diverse as the effects of sugar in the brain and what happens in your brain while you are asleep. This podcast is informal and conversational.
Serial is a podcast about human behavior, criminal activity and the mind. Each season tells one story over the course of many episodes. When you listen to Serial, you will hear experts in different areas of clinical and forensic psychology discuss the behaviors and actions of the people in the story. Serial is about real events that may have taken place in recent history or many decades ago. This podcast is hosted by Sarah Koenig.
These podcasts for clinical psychology students and practitioners keep you updated with relevant information about your area of expertise. You can also learn more about what others are doing in order to expand the knowledge and use of clinical psychology. Listen to these podcasts for clinical psychology during your drive, while cooking or any time that you have a few minutes to spare.
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