To stay updated on recent developments in psychology, clinical psychologists can turn to blogs and websites for the latest information. The following five websites offer research from across the globe in the field of clinical psychology. Ranging from APA journals to basic blogs, these options are some of the best available for clinical psychologists today. They offer each psychologist the ability to stay ahead of the trends with just a single click of the mouse.
Association for Psychological Science
This group works to advance the field of psychology. It publishes information through various journals and is present at psychology conventions. The Association for Psychological Science works to publish regular articles on the site for working psychologists. This information is gathered from the latest research across the globe for up-to-date information.
Individuals can join the organization as members for the latest conventions, training materials and network opportunities. Many of the articles and research updates are available for free, so psychologists do not have to become members of the organization to benefit from it.
International Society of Applied Psychology
The International Society of Applied Psychology (IAAP) was first started in 1920. This makes it the oldest remaining association for psychologists. Unlike other organizations, it publishes in both English and French. With members from more than 80 countries, it has a membership of 1,500 people. This makes it one of the most diverse organizations for psychology in the world.
Journal of Experimental Psychology
Run by the APA, the Journal of Experimental Psychology focuses entirely on empirical investigations. The journal’s main goal is to test various cognitive processing models and behavior. With this in mind, it looks for recent studies in experimental psychology that advance the state of the field. This association does charge a fee to access the articles, but the information is exceptionally useful for psychologists today.
Featured Programs
Psychology Today
For a basic blog about psychology, it is impossible to go wrong with Psychology Today. Although some of the articles are obviously written for laymen, there are many topics published that would be interesting for a practitioner in clinical psychology. To publish on this site, the authors have to be respected in their field and possess a strong background in psychology. This makes Psychology Today one of the most diverse and accessible sites online for psychologists.
The British Psychological Association’s Official Blog
The British Psychological Association manages a blog in conjunction with Research Digest. This blog follows all of the latest developments in the field or psychological research. As new research is revealed, the British Psychological Association analyzes how it could impact the field of psychology. Designed by psychologists, this blog is not for laymen or casual psychology enthusiasts.
The field of psychology is constantly changing as new research and techniques develop. To stay updated on the state of the field, clinical psychologists must take time to read through the latest research. Gathered from data across the globe, these websites offer some of the best ways to stay current on psychology-related topics.
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