5 Great Blogs Written by Psychology Professors

blogs by psychology professors

Psychology blogs cover a range of different topics, including new research in the field and funny moments from professionals working in that field. Some of the top blogs that you might come across are those written by professors working in smaller community colleges and major universities. Once you read a few of these top blogs, you’ll want to check back every day for even more stories and information.


NeoAcademic is a blog run by Richard N. Landers. Landers is an associate professor who works in the psychology department at Old Dominion University. As his work focuses on industrial and organizational psychology, you’ll find stories on those same topics on the blog. Many of his articles deal with the education system as a whole and how industrial and organizational psychology techniques and innovations can transform that system. You’ll also find articles on tips that employers can use and articles detailing the differences between psychology fields.

In the News

One of the hottest fields in psychology is forensic psychology, which looks at how and why criminals behave and act in the ways they do. Karen Franklin is a doctor with years of experience in this field who also teaches part-time at Alliant University. In the News is her own blog that focuses on forensic psychology, law and the criminal justice system. Not only does she talk about cases currently in the news, but she also posts articles about historic cases and those your textbooks didn’t cover. Some posts look at popular films or television shows, and others discuss common mental disorders found in criminals.

Deric Bound’s Mindblog

Deric Bound is a professor with years of experience who launched his own blog called Deric Bound’s Mindblog. He focuses more on cognition and why the brain functions/operates the way it does. While some articles are a little on the dry side, you’ll often find useful information that makes you think and subjects you’ll want to cover in your classes. Bound occasionally posts full articles from journals that you usually need to pay to access, and he posts the abstracts of others before delving into his thoughts and opinions on the subject.

Featured Programs

Psychology & Neuroscience

Psychology & Neuroscience is the blog located on Laura Freberg’s website. Freberg originally launched the blog under the title One Professor’s Observations of the World of Psychology and often posted articles that she found interesting or thought provoking. While teaching at California Polytechnic University, she encouraged her students to post responses and share content for extra credit. She now counts people from around the world among her readers and shares articles on content that goes beyond what she teaches. The American Psychological Association (APA) picked her blog as one of the best blogs run by a college professor.


One of the best psychology blogs might be the aptly named PsyBlog. Run by Jeremy Dean, the blog covers all types of psychology topics. Dean attended law school and graduated with a law degree before discovering that he preferred studying how the mind works. That lead him to go back to school and earn higher degrees in psychology. His blog includes interesting and unique articles on how colors can impact those dealing with depression, how individuals can use new methods to sleep better at night and whether recreational drug use can cause mental disorders.

Whether you are a college professor, a college student or just someone who has an interest in psychology, these blogs provide some great information and resources that you can use. The top psychology blogs come from professors who teach subjects like forensic psychology and cognitive psychology.

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