If you are interested in learning more about the psychology profession, you may also be interested in learning more about how a psychology professional treats stress. With the American Psychological Association reporting that one-third of Americans would classify their stress-levels as extreme and one-fifth would label them high, it’s an important question. The answer will vary, depending on the types of stresses being treated and also what kind of professional a person sees.
Different Types of Mental Health Professionals
Stresses can range from mild to severe, and everyone experiences stresses in some form at one time or another. It’s not experiencing them but learning to cope with them in healthy ways that can be important, which is why people will often consult psychological or mental health professionals about the best way to do so. Patients may consult professionals regarding how to deal with all kinds of anxiety levels. There are various kinds of mental health professionals that a medical doctor may recommend to a patient, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, a clinical social worker or a licensed professional counselor.
In addition, there are other types of mental health professionals who work specifically with certain populations and may be the right person to see in the case of some specific stress-related issues. School psychiatrists, marriage and family therapists, pastoral counselors, child or adolescent psychiatrists or drug and alcohol counselors may all be called upon in different scenarios.
Different Treatments for Different Stress-Related Issues
Whether one sees general or more specific psychology professionals, treatments will vary depending both on the kind of professional one works with and on the type and severity of the stresses being addressed. Some mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, can prescribe medications which can help with certain anxiety related disorders and illnesses. Other disorders or types of stress-related issues may be best treated with counseling or therapy, sometimes conducted for individuals and sometimes for groups. Some stresses that people experience are related to specific life situations such as the death or loss of a loved one, the break-up of a marriage, or a sudden move or job change. Stresses can also come if one is dealing with physical illness of their own or caring for someone they love who struggles with physical or mental illness.
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Anxieties can range from mild to severe. Professionals may counsel patients who are dealing with milder forms of stress to try general, helpful measures such as good nutrition, regular physical exercise, meditation, ensuring proper rest and implementing needed mental health breaks when dealing with stressful situations. Those patients dealing with stress-related disorders that affect their lives more deeply through such things as ongoing phobias, panic attacks or insomnia may be encouraged to go into regular therapy or to try medication.
Although stresses are a part of everyday life, prolonged stresses left unattended can result in mental and health issues that require time and attention to work through well. A caring and competent psychology professional can help a patient to find appropriate ways to deal with stress and make their way toward a healthier life.
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