5 Jobs With a Degree in Adult Learning and Workforce Education

adult learning jobs

Whether you earn a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in adult learning and workforce education, you probably want an idea of some of the jobs you can apply for later. This field is fairly diverse and prepares you for working for colleges, corporations and even small businesses.

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GED Instructor

A degree in adult learning and workforce education qualifies you to work as a GED instructor. The GED is equivalent to a high school diploma and allows those who dropped out of high school to complete their studies. While you might work with older people who dropped out decades ago, you may also work with students in their late teens or early 20s. You’re responsible for going over some of the questions asked on the GED test and ensuring that your students have an understanding of math, science, English and other skills they need to pass that test.

Human Resource Manager

Businesses of all sizes hire human resources directors and managers to help them evaluate potential candidates. These managers create job listings that they post online, internally and in newspapers, but they then weed out candidates based on resumes and decide which candidates deserve interviews. In addition to interviewing and hiring new workers, HR managers also work with other departments to ensure that employees get the best benefits. Your degree in adult learning and workforce education can help you train and educate some of those new employees. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for HR managers will grow by 9% by 2024.

Continuing Education Professor

Continuing education professors and specialists work with students who decide to go back to school. These students include some who went to college and later dropped out and those who never went to college after finishing high school. As a continuing education specialist, you work with students who may lack the skills that their younger peers have. You meet with adult students, provide them with tests to determine the classes they should take and continue meeting with them to ensure that they fulfill all the requirements within the program and that they don’t have any problems with their classes.

Corporate Trainer

Another career path open to those interested in adult learning and workforce education is that of a corporate trainer. Corporations hire trainers to help train and prepare new employees for the tasks they need to do on the job. Some corporations hire trainers when changing to a new computer system or when implementing new regulations. You’ll go over all the information available to you, come up with lesson plans and then meet with students. Trainers must ensure that employees know how to do each task and how to work with any new systems to keep them safe on the job.

Literacy Specialist

Not all adults leave school with strong literacy skills. Some students find it easy to skate by in their classes and to leave school with poor reading and writing skills. A literacy specialist is someone who works with those students and teaches them the fundamentals of reading. Even adults who know how to read may have a hard time sounding out words or figuring out the meaning behind words. While some specialists work with children, those who have a background in adult learning and workforce education can work with adults in vocational schools and tutoring centers.

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Adult learners refer to those who are over the age of 18 and students who need your help. The careers open to those with a background or degree in adult learning and workforce education include literacy specialists, corporate trainers, GED instructors, HR managers and continuing education professors.

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