Walden University


Counseling and Psychology Degrees Offered at Walden University

Walden University appears in our ranking of the Top 10 Online Master’s in Forensic Psychology.

All programs at Walden University are delivered completely online on the quarter schedule including the one undergraduate psychology and eight graduate counseling programs. The bachelor of science in psychology requires a total of 181 quarter credits which consist of 46 general education credits, the 35-hour core, and a combination of concentration courses and electives. The core includes seven classes including Methods in Psychological Study and the Psychology Capstone which are typically taken near the end of the program and culminate in a comprehensive research project. The remainder of the required classes is determined by the student’s chosen concentration. Options include addictions, applied psychology, criminal justice, forensic psychology, human services, and workplace psychology.

In addition, there are four tracks for students who know they want to pursue graduate study. The General Psychology and the Preparation for Graduate Studies tracks provide a broad overview of the field and emphasize research methods and experimentation. The remaining concentrations are part of the Accelerate Into Masters (AIM) program and overlap the end of the B.S. degree with the beginning of the master’s in either general psychology or clinical mental health counseling. This reduces the total amount of graduate study required. Students pursuing the M.S. in General Psychology can choose the Ph.D. path which allows students to complete both degrees at the same time. To graduate, students must complete 3 foundation, 67 core, and 20 specialization credits along with a dissertation.

At the graduate level, there are three master’s programs that involve counseling, and each program allows students to specialize in one of four areas, addiction, forensics, military families and culture, and trauma and crisis counseling. The M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling requires 90 quarter credits. Students take a series of 18 courses and complete 700 hours of field experience. After the core program is finished, students add two classes from their specialty area. The M.S. in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling has the same structure, and many courses do overlap with the above program. However, the core sequence for this degree focuses more on the family unit and relationships between family members with courses like Child and Adolescent Counseling and Theories and Techniques in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling. The final counseling program is the M.S. in School Counseling which is 75 total quarter credits with a 66-credit core, two internships, and an optional 2-course specialization sequence. Each of these counseling degrees prepares students for professional licensing examinations. These programs are increasingly popular at Walden University because, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, counseling jobs are expected to increase much faster than average at least until 2026.

The final three degree programs equip students to work in specialized areas of psychology. The M.S. in Developmental Psychology trains students for management and policy work in the human services field. This degree requires 48 quarter credits including a six-course core, a capstone project, and 15 specialization credits. Available specialties include Administration and Leadership, Adult Development and Gerontology, Child and Adolescent Development, International Perspectives, and Health and Human Development. The M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology incorporates business studies with the psychology field and offers four concentrations, consulting, coaching, human resources, and international business. Finally, the M.S. in Forensic Psychology centers around criminal justice studies, and students can focus on topics like terrorism, cybercrime, victimology, and police psychology.

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About Walden University

In 1971, Walden University opened in Naples, Florida, offering doctoral degrees in teaching disciplines. Students came to the campus for a short period of time to design their dissertations and then returned back to their homes across the country to research and write. The school moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1979 and later began offering master’s degrees including the first completely online master’s in education. Today, with a total enrollment of over 50,000 students, there are five distinct colleges that offer at least 17 undergraduate and 81 graduate degrees. Walden is now owned and operated by Laureate Education, Inc, and is a member of an international network of schools.

Walden University Accreditation Details

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) provides accreditation to colleges and universities located in the central part of the United States. Since the headquarters for Walden University is located in Minnesota, it falls under the jurisdiction of the HLC, and the school has remained continuously accredited since 1990. The accreditation process ensures that colleges and universities meet certain standards and maintain this quality over time. Schools are evaluated in five categories, Mission, Integrity, Educational Quality, Resources and Support, Evaluation and Improvement in Teaching and Learning, and Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness. Accreditation protects students by verifying that the school provides an adequate education and is properly managed. In addition, it provides assurances to employers that graduates are well prepared for professional life. Certain professions have their own accrediting bodies that certify individual programs in an attempt to standardize the training for new professionals. One such organization, the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, has certified counseling programs at Walden University.

Walden University Application Requirements

Undergraduate students interested in the bachelor’s programs at Walden University must have at least 60 transferable quarter hours or be over 21 years of age to apply. Veterans and active-duty military members also qualify for admission. For acceptance into the psychology and counseling master’s or doctoral programs, students must complete the graduate school application and submit transcripts showing completion of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school. All students are encouraged to include a resume and copies of any professional certification to determine if they can get any academic credit for life experience.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Undergraduate tuition at Walden University is $325 per quarter hour, and for counseling graduate students, the tuition rate is $535 per credit. All students also pay a $150 quarterly technology fee. Students are encouraged to submit their FAFSA early, and once receiving this information, enrollment advisers review financial aid and loan options with each student. There are a variety of scholarships offered through academic departments based on academic achievement, life experiences, and financial need. In addition, Walden University offers fellowships and grants to graduate students including The Research and Applications for Social Change Grant and the Don E. Ackerman Research Fellowship.

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