Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University Psychology and Counseling Degree Options

Southern New Hampshire University appears in our ranking of the 10 Most Affordable Online Developmental Psychology Online Programs.

Southern New Hampshire University, or SNHU, provides students with a variety of options and focuses for studying and earning a degree in psychology and/or counseling. Students can earn both an undergraduate and a graduate degree at the Masters level in either field, with options for taking classes in a traditional on-campus setting or completely online. Along with learning major psychological and human behavior concepts, students also develop their critical thinking and communications skills needed to work effectively in the variety of career opportunities open to graduates.

Students who choose to study on campus can choose to earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Psychology, choosing from one of three concentrations, including Forensic Psychology and Child and Adolescent Development. A Master of Science degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is also available through attending classes on campus. These options are also available through online study.

In addition to those mentioned above, online study also gives students the opportunities to earn a Business Administration (BS) degree in Industrial Organization Psychology, a BA degree in Psychology with concentrations that include Addictions and Social Psychology, an Master of Arts (MA) degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and a MS in Psychology with a concentration in Child and Developmental Psychology, Forensic Psychology, or Industrial and Organization Psychology.

Regardless of the path chosen, some of the core courses required across the board include Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, and Research courses for both Statistics in Psychology and Scientific Investigations in Psychology. A Capstone course is also required, regardless of concentration in the undergraduate degree programs. The graduate programs continue the emphasis on research methods but also delve deeper into subjects in courses such as Cognitive Processes, Theories of Personality, and Ethical Practices in Psychology. A graduate level Capstone course is also included and required.

About Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution of higher learning with an emphasis on online learning. SNHU currently has approximately 3,000 students enrolled in on-campus courses at the 300-acre site in Manchester, NH, but more than 90,000 enrolled through its online offerings. As one of the fastest growing universities in the country, SNHU provides the opportunity for students to keep pace with growing professional requirements that often include keeping up with new technologies.

Founded in 1932 as a secretarial and accounting school, SNHU today provides more than 200 programs across a variety of subject areas that include business, education, liberal arts and STEM options. In 2017, U.S. News & World Report named SNHU Most Innovative University in the North and one of the “Best Regional Universities” in the country.

Southern New Hampshire University Accreditation Details

Southern New Hampshire University is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), an accreditation that covers all of the degree programs offered at SNHU. In addition, individual degree programs are further accredited by the appropriate agencies overseeing their particular subject matter, to include programs offered through the school of business, engineering, nursing, and teacher education.

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Southern New Hampshire University Application Requirements

Students applying for undergraduate admissions may complete either the Common Application for on-campus study or the Online Application for online study. In either case, there is no application fee when applying for undergraduate programs and a nonrefundable $40 application fee when applying for admission to graduate programs.

In addition to the application, students must provide a transcript release for any previous coursework, high school or previous degrees conferred. Students applying as an undergraduate are required to submit an Electronic Attestation Form stating that the student has graduated from high school or successfully received a GED, while the graduate applicant must submit a Graduate Attestation Form, showing the undergraduate GPA and the conferral date of the undergraduate degree.

In all cases, standardized test scores may be submitted but are not required. These tests include the SAT. ACT, GRE, and GMAT. In addition, SNHU is flexible regarding GPA requirements, allowing for students with lower GPAs to still have a chance at higher education, albeit with the possibility of requiring provisional admission and additional support through smaller classes and possibly some remedial coursework required before being able to pursue the regular degree requirements.

Tuition and Financial Aid

SNHU understands that a degree is an investment into the future, so strives to offer competitive tuition rates and a variety of financial aid options. Online tuition was frozen at the 2012 rates and remains at $960.00 per course or $320.00 per credit hour for undergraduate coursework and $1,881.00 per course or $627.00 per credit hour for graduate coursework. Members of the U.S. military, veterans, and their spouses receive discounted tuition rates of $675.00 per course or $225.00 per credit hour for undergraduate courses and $1,410.00 per course or $470.00 per credit hour for graduate courses.

Students choosing to study on campus in Manchester, NH, pay tuition rates of $1,281.50 per credit hour, up to 12 credit hours, for undergraduate courses, topping out at $30,756.00 annually for full-time students attending classes during the day. Graduate students choosing to study on campus are assessed the same tuition as online courses if they choose to attend evening classes and $700.00 per credit hour for any courses taken during the day. Once again, discounted tuition rates apply for military, veteran, and spouses, at the same rate as online coursework.

More than 90% of students at SNHU receive some form of financial aid, and students are encouraged to submit their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) when they first submit the application for admission. The FAFSA is used to determine eligibility for federal, state, and institutional aid, to include scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Students may also consider applying for private scholarships and grants based on a seemingly endless variety of criteria, from academic success to memberships in certain organizations, religious affiliations, or ethnic background.

At SNHU, students are encouraged to transform their lives and their circumstances through education. As such, Southern New Hampshire University is committed to providing new and innovative ways to provide access to higher education that meets the most unique needs of each and every student.

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